Jack, I choose a similar treatment (4D IG-IMRT followed by Pd seeds) at the Dattoli Cancer Center. I start my IMRT treatments tomorrow. Who will do your treament?...
I'm glad it went well. Keep us informed and I hope to hear nothing but good news from you. My radiation treatment starts tomorrow at the Dattoli Cancer Center. I'll have 30 4D IG-IMRT treatments...
Klaats, I recently join the SeedPods mailing list which you might find useful. It is an emailing list offering information and support to those interested in brachytherapy for prostate cancer. More...
On the subject of BT, I found a contradictory statement in the “Johns Hopkins Health alert[b] s Guide to Brachytherapy”. They said “Because brachytherapy alone could be associated with a lower...
I’ve been digging more into brachytherapy and doctors. I am quickly finding out that not all BT procedures are the same. Different techniques and technologies are use by various doctors improve the...
[3]As I see it the "burden of proof" falls on surgery since it is the harsher of the two. Surgery has immediate ED and incontinence side effects that may or may not improve over time. So my thinking...
I got a recomendation for Greg Zagaja, M.D. Associate Professor of Urology University of Chicago. He is suppose to be one of the best in the country. I haven't met or spoken to him. I just heard from...
I wish to thank every one for their extermely helpful replies. Sonny3, thank you for the reccomendation of Dr. Menon of the Vattikuti Institute at the Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit. I had seen...
I have a similar story. I had a thorn stuck under my thumb nail. It got infected and my thumb puffed up. The doctor who removed it gave me a couple of novacaine shots; one of which hit the nerve...
Like most newly diagnosed with PC, I’ve been trying to decide on a treatment. So far I talked to my urologist and a radiation oncologist who he recommended. I also done a lot of research, got...