I served "in-country" in 1968. Diagnosed with PCa in Sept. 2007. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of the VA disability available for RVN vets until Dec. 2009. I filed my claim through the local office...
Trelstar and Lupron are in the same class of drug. I was changed over from the Lupron shots to Trelstar shots because my new uro preferred Trelstar and did not use Lupron. From my research they are...
I was on two years of Casodex in conjunction with a year of Lupron and then a year of Trelstar (new Urologist) and 43 radiation sessions. This is one of the standard courses of treatment for advanced...
Purgatory, I agree that going done the HT path should be a considered and informed decision. But, as you alluded to, for some of us with advanced aggressive Pca there are not a lot of viable options....
I received HT, Lupron then Trelstar, for two years in conjunction with EBRT. I had no baseline Dexascan to go by but one done 9 months after starting HT showed significant loss of density. My...
I simply took my script to the pharmacy and they cleared it through Tricare before dispensing my Trimix. I didn't have to do anything special. As far as free from the VA, in my case I'm awaiting the...
I too had a hard time finding the 1/2cc syringes. I was using the 1 cc but found them difficult to use since they are so long. I checked the forum rules and it seems it's OK to post this link to...
I completed a two year course of Lupron/Trelstar with Casodex this past December. The first year the mood swings were frequent and unpredictable, embarrassing when you cry in public. But they became...
One can only hope. :idea: However,experience has shown otherwise....
Your one course of Lupron/Casodex probably wont lead to the severe side-effect that I experienced with osteoporosis after 24 months of HT. Fortunately I didn't experience the dreaded hot flashes....
Purgatory: Thanks! Reading your profile I can appreciate your choice of user name. Hope things start looking up for you too....
I completed two years of Lupron/Trelstar injections in combination with Casodex in December. No hot flashes thankfully, but I did develop osteoporosis leading to a fractured vertebra and a spinal...
I have had the same experience with two years of Lupron as don826,except I did not have the hot-flashes that others have had. My weight gain was not modest. From my personal experience, I would...
James C. I was using a 1/2 inch 28gauge needle initially, but for the last month I've used 5/16 inch 31 gauge insulin needles, much easier and little discomfort. I also use the "fluff and ring"...
Well, I've been using daily Cialis and Trimix for about 3 weeks now. Sure hope the 20 year olds are doing better than I have so far. :rolleyes: I just need to be more patient and wait to see how...
Thanks! That's the article that gave rise to my question. In my profile I describe myself as healthy and active. Healthy may be pushing it some, but once I came to grips with my PCa I decided that it...
It's difficult to not be impatient when you have a very attractive and willing partner when you're not "up" to it yet. So, while reading as much as I can here and from web searches, I came across...
While I can't guarantee the accuracy of this list you might find it helpful: http://www.isletsofhope.com/diabetes/state-law/state-prescription-laws.html...
I received my first 5 ML bottle of Tri-Mix from a local compounding pharmacy: Henderson Pharmacy Services 186 West Main Street Chillicothe, OH 45601 740-702-1181 $184.50 for 5 ML, VERY expensive...
Thanks for all the replies so far. It's interesting how freely one can talk about ED issues once you are faced with them and find a welcoming environment. :-)...
Have been reading many posts in last few weeks. Very helpful and encouraging. Thanks! I'm now 2 years out from IMRT and hormone treatments for advanced, aggressive PC. All PSA checks have been close...