I have tried Bimix and at 50 units(1/2 cc) jr. got to maybe 50% erect, started using Trimix and at 50 units (1/2 cc) and jr. is 70% erect. With the exception of one occasion he was 100% and ready for...
Ok I know your supposed to get swelling after injection /community/emoticons/smhair.gif but this is a different kind of swelling, like an injury type of swelling. We decided to celebrate the Packers...
Update.... spoke with Dr. today about my Trimix getting to room temp. No problem, it's stable at room temp but will loose some effectiveness if allowed to get warm, like in the car in the summer....
Hi All, Just went on a vacation for a few days and packed my Trimix in cold packs inside a small soft cooler. On my return trip home flight delays extended the trip. When I finally got home the soft...
It's difficult to maintain a positive outlook when you see no improvement with ED, but thanks for your posting RCS it does help to know that positive gains can be made with time. I have been on Bimix...
I am 4 months post-op conventional surgery. I was started on cialis 3 days prior to surgery and taken off after cath was removed and given Rx for Bimix. I was shown in the office how to inject and...