Got it. Many thanks David for your efforts on my behalf....
David - I am happy to hear your oncologist's opinion. [email protected] . Not sure why my email would not open....
According to my doctors there is no truth to the masking effect and I should not be worried about it. That being said I am still interested in hearing what yours have to say on the topic, Purgatory....
David, I definitely understand that the info you offered was from the heart and well intended. I'm quite thick skinned and rarely take offence. In fact I am a 'benefit of doubt' guy, perhaps to a...
Compiler, Have you considered environmental sources as a possibile cause for your coughing crud? I'm thinking specifically of mold issues, but there must be numerous other possibles. Worth looking...
Piano, My current 'go' line is PSA 1.0. However, nothing is set in stone and that may vary to either side depending on surrounding circumstances. As P&W Team leader in my church there are LOTS of...
To all, Thanks so much for your concerns and information offered in the spirit of caring and helping advice. I will do my best to respond in full to all because the more we share information the...
In response to all, I began my dietary changes and the use of Essiac Tea in January as Steve n Dallas asked. I do know that many individuals and groups have bashed Essiac Tea, but my personal...
Diet, prayer and Essiac Tea is working wonders. See my sig for the numbers. Note the doubling rate that preceded my diet changes and beginning Essiac Tea. WOOT!!!!...
Urologist said today that the double cuff is just a way of the manufacturer's reps trying to sell more. The urethra atrophy rate below the cuff's location reaches nearly 100% after 10 years, so a...
Do AUS devices stop leaks from coughing? I have a chronic cough....
Wigs - Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on to my Uro. Cooper, many thanks for the link. If my Uro isn't aware of the double cuff [doubtful as she practices at Dartmough Hitchcock] I can now point...
Hey Jeff, I wonder is an AUS can be installed if a sling fails to work properly. I fit the candidacy requirements for a sling. Might be a consideration....
Wigs, I am at the total aggravation stage. I am 59 and was always uber-active before all this came about. Now I'm pretty much a recluse, only attending church and shopping. My urologist told me a...
Thanks for the welcome James. I look forward to sharing experiences and gaining knowledge here....
I am nearly 3 years post RRP and am still incontinent to the tune of 1-4 pads per day. Night continence has gone out the window in the last month too. I'm getting ready to succumb to having an A/S...