Thank you 142. (text removed - 142) Good luck to all who are suffering here, this type of web site org is just not my cup of tea, and my appolgies to those I have politically offended. (text removed...
I hope you can keep your spirits up living. I'm trying too. Please keep your wits, knowledge and head up. You can be sick and still fight for your and others health rights. If you and I fail, it will...
Seriously living, no hard feelings here at all. (text removed - 142) Thank you, Gary...
Thank you for reposting my post. The offensive matter has been redacted. Does your web site accept any Federal aid/grants, etc?...
Sorry Tony, I am new here but not new to what Tony expressed: "That way I can save the 4 profit h m o a ton of money." I'm also new to my prostate cancer and seeking help. I'm sure I must have...
Good for you Todd. Keep up the struggle as there is little time, once ***** care settles in, we'll all be in the same boat. Good Luck. Act quickly while you can ! -Gary...
gams I know this thread is aging but I'm hoping you're still visting it. I have the problem with a pump that would require the "body shield' you mentioned. Could you give me more information on what...