Anyone using xofigo that want to share their thoughts about it. Also, I've been looking for some information on the cost, but have had no luck. Anyone know? Rodney......
Thanks Ziggy, You're right of course.There is still much that can be done. I feel a bit silly now that I think about all of you that have been fighting for so much longer than I have. I haven't given...
Yeah, I've got my fingers crossed. I did great for the first 4 months on HT. Started in Feb. with PSA of 2200. We got it down to 3.71, but at 6 months it was up to 7.? then 14.?, and up, and up, and...
My PSA jumped up 297% in less than 4 weeks. Bloody Hell!!! Started Zitiga today. I'm really hating this cancer crap right now....
Thanks guys/gals, I was pretty down and upset yesterday, but Knowing that I can come here, and that we're all in this together is a great help. I'm feeling much better today. I think just being able...
Hey Bud, I was hopping you would jump in. Like you, I want nothing to do with chemo as long as there are other alternatives. Unfortunately my Doc isn't one to sit down and talk with you. I'm lucky if...
Hi everyone, Well, Im back from my vacation in Seattle. Had a great time with old friends, and made some new ones. Everything has changed so much in the last 16 years that I couldn't find my way...
Yeah, what he said. Political activism has no place here....
Will do Bud! I've been hanging out at the VA far to much lately, and I really need to forget about all this cancer crap for a few weeks. I've had a really bad attitude for the last couple months, and...
Thanks for the tips zufus. Until now I was completely unaware of AAWD, or the breast enlargement issue. I'll tell you, there are times when my Doc SUCKS!!! If I had gone along with his plan I...
Batteries, never enough batteries!!! Reminder to self, pack charger! Rodney......
I haven't been around for a while so I thought I drop by with an up-date. My PSA has jumped from 2.91 - 18 in the last 90 days. Started high dose (150mg daily) casodex this morning. I'll re-test in...
Don't let the Docs mess with you about pain meds. If your hubby needs more, insist on it or find a new Doc. I went for almost 4 months without any so I know what I'm talking about. Got a new Doc now,...
zufus... ADT3 was discussed during my talk with the Docs. Like you I'm very concerned about the doubling time and velocity, especially with my history of speed of light doubling times in the past....
I'm with you James. Plan A.... Live Rodney......
Plan B right now is retest in 30 days. If PSA drops we'll do nothing. If it continues to rise, but slowly, we'll add high dose casodex then test again 30 days later. If it were to double or get close...
Went to see my oncologist yesterday for my second eligard injection, and found that my PSA has jumped from 2.1 to 7.2. in the last two months. Doc said "it's a little concerning." Well, call me...
I started receiving my medical care from the VA in April 75, and I don't have any complaints. Well, there is the one rude, condisending, SOB in the dental clinic at the Atlanta VAMC. Rodney......
I'm going to the oncologist on the 1st for a PSA test and my second eligard injection. I don't expect anything but more good news. Rodney......
Agree...I won't be wearing one at the park or the local high school football game. Rodney......
I gotta get me one of those!!! Actually I've got to get three of them. One for me, one for my best friends wife who has lung cancer, and one for my brother who has leukemia. Thank DaSlink!!! It's...
Thanks Bud! I'm so happy for you that you get to have the same kind of precious moments with your granddaughter. Sophie is truely a gift more precious than any I could have wished for. Rodney......
Bud, it's moments like that make life so wonderful. A couple of weeks ago my granddaughter (Sophie) was sitting in my lap sleeping when I started to have a particularly intense hot-flash. All of the...
Funny how slow it goes in some areas. I didn't file for a service connected disability, but rather for a VA pension. Filed a claim for SSDI at the same time (Early March this year), and I was just...
Well, I don't want anyone to confuse me with a mathematician, but I came up with an increase of 900%. Again my math skills are far from stellar, but I did spend a couple of hours in a seedy hotel...
That's some really great news. If I've done my math correctly that's a 78.7% decrease, and that is amazing. Hope your dad continues down that path. Rodney......
Bud, That's some great news. Looks like you're on the way to joining the zero club. I'm really very happy for you!!! Rodney......
I don't give a goose full of poop what people that don't have PC think or know about it. If someone asks me I don't mind telling them, but I don't go out of my way to educate anyone about it. The...
Sorry you're here. There are more than a few of us here that also had very high pas, and most if not all of us are doing very well. HT is very effective in most cases, so your dad has more than a...
Just my opinion, but in my world "Blood" in my underware is never the norm. Rodney......
I was using casodex for 30 days when I first started eligard. Didn't notice any side effects while I was on it or any changes when I stopped using it after 30 days. Doc won't put me back on it unless...
Thanks for the info Bud. Aug. 1 is gonna be one of those marathon days at the VA. Labs, Oncology, Zomita, Eligard, plus the Atlanta traffic to and from. It's gonna take an extra large bag of M&Ms to...
I'll let you know, but look, don't wait for me. Talk to your Doc about it as soon as you get the chance. As great as this forum and the people on it are you'll still get the best advice from your...
The docs are going to start me on Zomita Aug. 1st. Rodney......
Wow! I know how you must feel as I am going through much the same. Started HT Feb. 15 w/PSA of 2200.00. Now 3 1/2 months later it's 2.1. Like you my bone scan looked like someone had painted it black...
Great news! I hope you stay there. Rodney......
Thanks for all the well wishes. I truely wish the same or better for all of you. Rodney......
I was hoping to do better, but then I remember that it was 2200.00 in Feb. So 2.1 is good by me. And...I don't have to get stuck again until Aug. Hope you all have a great day!!! Rodney......
When I was a young kid we lived in the back woods of Idaho. No telephone, no TV, and of course no computer. Just a AM radio and a shortwave. We made our own electricity with a water power. I remember...
I hope you do get results like mine, and it looks like your off to a good start. I went in for blood work last Fri., but haven't heard from my doc yet. I hope for <0.01 We'll see. Good luck!!!...
I don't think there any typicals in this game, but I think your husband is doing well. My PSA went down 31.8% in the first six weeks, and droped another 99.7% in twelve. So you tell me what's...
Hey Jonathan If it got under your skin that much that's gotta be on you. Not your doc. I understand, but still... Glad you got a big nothing. Hope that's all you ever get. Rodney......
Well, now we're getting into my area of expertise. Jazzman1 is correct. Refrigeration will not kill bacteria. It just slows them down. Rodney......
Welcome RH, I'm going for my fourth post DX PSA test Fri. and hope to join the zero club too. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for both of us. Good luck! Rodney......
"I'm hoping we can walk in your shoes as far as the speedy and dramatic results." I hope you can too! I really do. Rodney......
You've already given the best reason to continue testing for PSA....."I STILL WORRY" Rodney......
Nearly 70,000 homeless vets on any given night. Thank you!!! And, I'm sorry. Rodney......
I've read that around 2% have have a problem as far as the jaw. Still there is the chance you could be one of that 2%. I don't much like the idea of taking zometa, but then I don't much like taking...
Hi katie I started HT Feb. 15 with a PSA of 2200.00, wide spread bone mets, and alot of pain. 12 weeks later my PSA was 3.13, and my pain was all but gone 2 weeks after starting HT. Understand though...
Hi Infohound I know what you're going through. We all do, and we are all here to help if we can. None of us can tell you what the cause of your husband's back pain is, but I can tell you that even if...