We feel like you are all family too and it's amazing to me as we've never met most of you!! All of the support here on the forum and cards and messages we've received has simply overwhelmed our...
Thanks for your kind words. It really means a lot. On a different, but related note ... our family would like to do something on a continuous basis to show support for the GFMPH gang. Maybe we could...
Dearest Friends, Thank you so much for sending the poster of Dad and Gigi. Your messages were both sweet and inspiring and we feel comforted that the Raddest Dad also had the Raddest Friends!! Even...
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your kind words. Our Dad was an incredible man and we are so proud of him. Below are the links to his obituaries:...
Hello Everyone - frankphurst AT yahoo DOT com . Please also feel free to visit his memorial services page http://www.lastingtributesfuneralcare.com/obituaries/Francis-Doherty/ Thanks by Deal Boat"...