I personally would wait with the sleeping pills. Maybe after a week or so your sleep will adjust. Also, ask your internist about a minimal dose of the sleeping pill. May as well start as low as...
Just had mine; 4 weeks after my surgery... urine and blood. I have a slightly elevated White Blood Cell count, which they said was normal...
Is that number for the "standard" 12-core biopsy only? I assume it decreases a bit if a "saturation biopsy" (40+ cores) is taken......
One doctor told me that the location of the positive cores in a biopsy also should beconsidered as part of your treatment decision... For example, If the positive core near the capsule vs the...
another bronxite! I still go there for Bronx pizza whenever I visit my mom !...
TX, You mentioned changes to diet, in case you are thinking about changes to vitamins or herbs... When my first biopsy was negative, I asked my urologist about taking those "prostate vitamins"... the...
TX_Rower Sorry you had to join our club. A few suggestions: * Research the "PCA3" test. Consider adding it to your watchful waiting. Plenty of google links on it * Find out where the positive core is...
Perhaps in your case it you may wish to ask both the robotic and open surgeons how many surgeries they have done with YOUR type of prostate, not just the number of surgeries....
Any tips on cleaning the catheter bag? How often? with what? etc?...
I have prune juice at home and strained prunes to make me a Captain in the local Old Fart Army. Just waiting to take them - Dr said to wait until I had any kind "activity" down there (air,gas,etc)...
LOL Me and "Mr Foley" will be roommates for another 7 days... Bacitracin is your friend...
It's in the high 90s here on the east Coast... Today is the first full day at home, so it's getting used to things and the "new normal".. My bug surprise is just how stiff the rest of my body is.....
thanks. temp is now down to 99... pee in the catheter still looks like cherry kool-aide.. but overall it's what we expected... thanks again...
dr called back, I should take tylenol, if the fever goes over 101.5 I need to call back......
is a low-grade fever (100.2) somethng normal? waiting for the dr to call back,,,...
Getting my discharge papers and waiting for instructions on how to care for Mr Foley and the little guy it's attached it. Thanks to all for your support, and I apologize if I was too detailed or...
Took a while to get into the chair, but thanks to the person who suggsted I press someghing against my stomach it wasn't as bad as I thought....
Three weeks after biopsy does sound fast for a RP. several doctors mentioned a minimum of six weeks to me. good luck...
It not be a bad idea to also set up an appointment with your internist as well, maybe for the following week, to keep him/her in the loop as well...
My davinci was about 4 hours, recovery should have been about 1 hour but for some reason my heart rate was high so I ended up being there for another few hours. I'm going to be put in a chair soon,...
And I thought it was for a manicure and pedicure.... I trying to view it as evicting a sick roommate and taking on a new temporary roommate (Mr Foley).......
Just graduated to a clear liquid diet. The surgeon said both nerves spared and two of the three urinary muscles spared as well. He said everything went well on his end and I looked "clean" from his...
I did have that conversation... Good point for everyone to remember. My surgery was yesterday at 2ish. Having ice chips for breakfast. Pain is like the day after having done 500 sit-ups. Have not...
Good Luck...
I see that now. I guess I stopped at the intermediate category (which is where my soon-to-be-evicted prostate decided to take up residence), and the # of cores is listed at the last "Low" Category...
I'm younger than that that group, absolutely no symptoms. I'm glad my PSA was tested. And if 12 of 12 cores are positive with 3+3? Is that still low or favorable-risk?...
Sorry you had to join our Club. Agree with everyone here - What was your PSA, what is your Gleason score? the number and location of the positive cores of your biopsy that were positive, the extent...
Here's a joke that I will never be able to have happen in real life: An old man went to the Doctor. The Doctor said "I'm really sorry, but I will need a urine sample, a stool sample, and a semen...
Are there any questions or comments I should mention to the Surgeon before the surgery (da Vinci)? "Don't forget to spare the nerves" "Don't sneeze" .... And are there any questions or points I...
So, from what I am reading, it sounds like, if **all other things are equal**, someone with a positive core(s) on the outer edge of the prostate should be less inclined to do "active...
One Doctor mentioned to be that the location of the positive cores should factor into a decision on what course to take (such as active surveillance)... For example, if the positive core is closer to...
I forgot to include a link. Forgive me, with everything going in my mind sometimes I consider it a major victory if I put my socks on before my shoes......
Read somewhere about a "Rocco Stitch" for those of us who are getting our sick friend removed. Is this something which is standard procedure? Or should I mention it to my Dr? I mean, my surgery is...
@InTheShop - I'm not sure if I should ask for anything else or not :) Thanks...
Yes, 5.9 not .59 ... Maybe wishful thinking on my part... Since I had a rising PSA as well as a second biopsy, I was sort of prepared. I think we are two reasons why PSA needs to be given...
Born in 1959 Had a physical every year. Never had any symptoms. On 11/2012 PSA was .49 Biopsy performed in 12/2012 was Negative Another PSA test on 5/2013 - PSA 5.9 (still no symptoms) Biopsy 6/2013...