Mikla I'm from the east coast of Florida and I trusted Dr Patel to tackle my surgery. I am 100% pleased. Great surgeon and great hospital. Send me an email if you have any questions or concerns about...
Your blog nailed it! Thank you...
Had my operation one year ago on October 1st. I've been cancer free for a year and am celebrating by running a marathon next month. When I'm cramping up at mile 20 I'll think back on the emotions and...
Congratulations, that's a heavy weight off of your shoulders....
Bigal- I loved your reply post. You summed up a lot of my feelings. I have been one of the lucky ones but I remember the look in every mans eye that had my surgery. I sense from your posts that you...
ZO6dude great post. I agree with you 100%. I thought I had good insurance until I was denied ED meds after my robotic surgery. My surgeon recommended a Canadian mail order pharmacy. I have been very...
Kdeinv, Welcome to this club that no man wants to join. You are fortunate to have have posted in a forum that is the most amazing resource for discovering information about prostrate cancer. I'm...
When I pick a urologist the first thing I look for is small finger size! Interesting posts from everyone on the DRE after surgery topic. Thanks for the feedback. After prostate surgery having a DRE...
I guess I should have written he suggested I have a DRE not asked me if I wanted one. He said we'll do it at the next psa visit. The urologist was my local doctor not my surgeon....
Today at my urologist I had my third psa reading since my robotic surgery in October. During the office visit my urologist asked if I wanted an rectal exam. Since I prefer to keep other people's...
Samster, thank you so much for your post. I too am a very fortunate man . Since being diagnosed with PC and having surgery in October I feel like I've been given a new lease on life. It has changed...
Hi Tom, I shared your same concerns. We are nearly the same age so I'll share my Ed issues after having RP with Dr. Patel. Before my surgery on a scale of 1-10 I was an eleven when it came sex. My...
tdnjam, I'm so glad you discovered this site. Although I mostly lurk at everyone's postings, this site has been my anchor through my pc diagnosis, treatment and recovery. When i heard cancer i...
Hi Tom 0613, I just had robotic prostrate surgery on Oct 1st. I shared your concerns. Since i live in florida before i commited to a treatment plan my wife & i checked out Shands @ Uf and Mayo in...
Bluebird, Best of luck, I recently had robotic surgery and can honestly state that the nervousness that you are currently feeling may be worse than the pain and discomfort after the surgery. Although...
I'm so glad i've discovered this community. I appreciate all of the past posts and have learned volumes from lurking on many of the threads. I am scheduling a consultative visit to Shands to speak...
Vero Beach, FL...
thank you all for the feedback. the more i read about pc treatments the more confused i get about making a decision....
yes, Vipul Patel at the Fl Hospital. I was also going to explore Shands at University of Florida for a second option. If you know of anyone who went to either place please encourage them to contact...
* 51 year old just diagnosed with PC. Gleeson 6, 1 of 10 biopsies 30%, Psa 4.9 * My local urologist recommended setting up a meeting with Dr. Patel's office to explore my trreatment options. I'd...