Does anyone have an opinion / experience with the Interstim System (Medtronic). I have incontinence after 10 months since my prostatectomy and suffer from bladder spasms during the night....
Interesting. Sounds like you are having a great recovery. Congrats......
Pretty much since the surgery. However, these symptoms have become more apparent since I have a reasonable condition during the day - using maybe 3 pads. I wear the depends pants at night and I wake...
When I awake in the morning after only 3 to 4 hours sleep my visit to the toilet results in a fairly strong urine flow. However, when I return to bed I have what I call bladder spasms that radiate...
Hi Thanks for the welcome and quick response. I am active most of the day and walk outdoors for about 3/4 miles each day. Not back to work yet though....
I had the prostate removed 3 weeks ago. Now I experience leg pains (backs of legs) from my butt down to my ankles. This occurs in the evenings and makes sleep elusive. I think it starts after sitting...