Thank you so much I will keep giving information as I get it. I can't believe how helpful all your input has been. I will keep all of you in my prayers. God bless...
Hi everyone, I just got off the phone with my dad's insurance co Humana MCR advantage plan got the information I needed. I want to share with all of you, maybe it will help someone. The ins.rep...
Thanks to everyone that responded to my plea for help. I know what I would do if it were me , I want him to make his decision knowing all 'the facts regarding side effects, success rate, I don't want...
I need some advice regarding ZYTIGA. My father is 91 his PSA is 10 he was diagnosed in 2000 and his PSA was .1 a year ago . He saw his urologist and he said he wants my father to start ZYTIGA. I...