shaba, Yes, dh was told by surgeon he wouldn't know until the actual surgery what could be spared. My husband is one core g9, 3 g7s and 5 g6s. Dr will try to spare nerves,but of course, most...
Hi Hatter, We (DH) are at the same place in the journey of newly diagnosed and getting second opinions with surgeons. DH saw Tewari and thought he was very honest and forthcoming with his assessment...
Just wanted to share this Study on Surgery and High risk cancer patients that I found on another forum:...
Hi billybob and skooley, Glad to hear of the good surgery outcomes. I know we will be doing the 3month pins and needles waiting game also. Have you seen this study on surgery for high risk prostste...
Hi Jerry, just sent 2 letters to New York senators. # people 2. thanks for alerting us to this resolution....
upstateguy, nccajun, The hardest part is waiting and making a decision on which way to go with treatment. As upstate guy said we will decide and not look back. Not easy as you all know it will be the...
PSA, glad you had a good outcome, except for the ED....hope that improves soon. DH's uro said bad news is it's G9 but he feels 100% he would have a good chance of a cure with robotic surgery. Says...
devastated1, Thanks for the encouraging post. We too felt devastated when we got the bad news from the biopsy. Reading about your experience and others gives us hope and an idea of what could be...
Thanks to all for your thoughts. You have given us a lot of good information and a lot to think about. Will keep you updated.....right now we have a lot of appointments to make. Hopefull...
bluebird, I can't thank you enough for your reply and offer. You have given me good advice re Doctors and told me exactly what I wanted to hear. We will try to get into MSK. In researching, I have...
logoslidat, We are not sure he will need radiation post surgery. His Dr. said that it could be a possibility in addition to hormone therapy after surgery and I guess was just informing us of what...
Redwing, the MRI report says "611NB MRI pelvis WOW CONT' 3T MRI of prostate is performed using endorectal and phase array cardiac coil. He had this pre biopsy MRI at North Shore LIJ. It is part of a...
Thank you Ed, Andrew and Peter for your input. Getting that diagnosis has been a shock to us and my DH is just anxious to get it over with. Thanks to your input I think I can persuade him to get some...
Thanks Ed for your thoughts. I am thinking that his cancer is likely not outside the capsule as the MRI said "capsule intact" ? or am I just reading into it??? I agree that it is likely that he will...
Hi, My husband age 65 has just been diagnosed with PCA, G9, psa 4.1. I am so glad I found this forum, reading others experiences has been helpful and reassuring. Altho my DH is calm but I am a basket...