Dave56, I use Cialis (10 mg), Viagra (50 mg), Stendra (50 mg)... (Not at the same time). Each has their pros and cons. I seem to have fewer side effects from Cialis. I only take it about once a week....
Miki, Glad to hear Bob is doing better. As far as the bag, for the most part I just used my big bag. I did use the little bag a couple of times when I went out. But like others have stated, it wasn't...
Actually there is much documented evidence that regular spanking of ones monkey reduces the risk of men getting PC. So not sure who told you otherwise![/quote] Just a weak attempt at humor, as I...
Casper, we wouldn't need to remove the prostate at birth if we could just find a way to keep guys from masturbating, since that's what causes it... apparently that word if frowned upon :nono: How...
No matter what treatment option you go with, there will always be that nagging voice in your head wondering if you chose the correct one. With a high likely hood that the cancer is confined to the...
Getting the catheter out is an experience unto itself. Oh what fond memories. It goes something like this... Step 1. Make sure the surgical attachment of the urethra to bladder is good and does not...
RV47, 3.45 is still in the "normal" range. There are a number of factors which could account for the elevation from the previous tests, BPH for one. This is where the DRE findings come in handy....