Roger that, it is the sensory nerves that seem to be tingling. Havnt seen the doc yet, but that is on the list of questions. Is it my doc or it seems that so many of the things your fellows cover...
Yes exactly, erictile nerves on the left side showing some sensitivity. Usually to heat or cold...
Fellows I have begun to get some nerve reactions in the penis. I take it that this is good. I see my doc FRIDAY, but was hoping to hear from you all. And I this is good, what should I start doing to...
My answer to a lot of questions, "how long is a piece of string" all depends. Still checking with the doc. Only relief is lying flat, can't do that, rest when I can, ice/ heat. On the mend !...
I agree, something's not quite right. So will check and share...
Hello Peter, thanks for the response. I will admit, I am very disappointed with my doc and the extreme lack of information about what to expect after surgery. I now understand why there are...
Had the Davinchi 12/4 for removal, experiencing testicular pain, how long can I expect this. Pretty intense now after 4 wks. Something the doc did not tell me about. Gave your thread a title ...