Hi guys When I first began androgen deprivation a few years ago I had the full slew of symptoms: chronic fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, sexual sides etc. The most alrming was arguably losing about...
Has anyone here managed to do this? I lost twenty pounds and my arms and legs (thighs and butt especially) are very skinny, while my abdomen is huge and I have moobs. I want to start weight bearing...
For the guys who have suffered this on Lupron, or indeed any ADT, have you lost a lot of muscle? My face has changed shape and I've lost muscle around my chin and jaw, giving me a jowelly look. I've...
Thanks, anyone else?...
Nobody have any experience or ideas about this?...
If I have got gyno or full on man boobs from ADT, should I remove them or would the underlying lack of testosterone result in the appearing again? A little background: initially I had only mild...
Have many of you suffered from cognitive side effects from androgen blockade treatment? I now have the memory of a goldfish and get very muddled a lot of the time. I am also compeletely disorganised...
Has anyone who has been on Androgen Deprivation Therapy (Lupron etc) and who has suffered muscle wastage been able to fight or better still reverse some of it through exercise or any other means? My...
Has anyone had gyno on Lupron or similar? I gained fifty pounds from being a pretty much perfect weight for my height, however I'm pretty sure the gyno is hormonal as it appeared quite quickly...
What is this 'flare' that is talked about when starting Lupron or similar ADT courses?...
Peter, do you have a link to the study on the 89/11 per cent thing?...
For those of you taking Lupron/Zoladex how bad are the sexual sides? Do you pretty much lose all libido so that even porn does nothing? Do you have loss of snsitivity or pleasurable touch in the...
Anyone got a problem with this? I've put on 40lbs in three years, despite doing a lot of walking and eating a little less if anything. Anything help?...
I'm curious about guys' experiences on androgen deprivation therapy. Does pretty much everyone lose their mojo and get ED or just a majority? How common are side effects like muscle wasting and how...
Gentlemen, I do not suffer from prostate cancer but was wondering if you could help as I am having the extreme effects of having very low testosterone. This has been brought on by using the drug...