It has been some time since I have been on the Forum, but wanted to provide a brief update as to my journey. When I last wrote (5/29/2019), my PSA had become detectable again (PSA=0.2). My oncologist...
Thanks you--hearing from those who have gone down a similar path is comforting. I did not like the ADT experience, but I also know that staying active can help with the side effects. So if that is in...
Met with my oncologist and the plan going forward is to confirm the elevated PSA, determine PSADT and then enroll in a DCFPyL PET scan clinical trial to see if there are metastatic lesions. After...
It has been 5 months since my last update. Having my oncology appointment on Tuesday May 28th--so had my blood tested on Thursday--received my results this morning--PSA=0.2 --it has been almost...
It has been six months since my last update. Since May I have had two PSA test--my latest results today --PSA remains undectable--so now 1.5 years of normal testosterone levels and undectable PSA. I...
Update: It is almost one year of normal testosterone levels and my latest blood test (May 21, 2018) continues to show an undectable PSA. I should note that after my surgery on Dec 30, 2015, by PSA...
Just a quick update--delayed my blood test until this week. The latest blood sample results--Jan 24, 2018. PSA=undetectable and testosterone normal. It has been 16 months since the end of my...
I have not thought about the sling procedure. I felt that I was slowly showing improvement following radiation and I kept thinking and hoping i would return to normal continence --but have now...
Just a quick update--it has been one year since my last radiation treatment + ADT. Testosterone returned to normal levels in June 2017 and PSA was undetectable. My last blood test on September 13,...
Just quick update--my last injection of Lupron (3 month dose) was in October 2016. My latest blood test (yesterday) --testosterone is back to values prior to lupron and PSA remains undetectable. Next...
A quick update-focused on urinary incontinence. First, still in the waiting mode--had my last shot of Lupron on Oct 5th, testosterone in November was 19 ng/dL, and PSA was undetectable (as would be...
Just another quick update: my testosterone was 18 ng/dL (pre-lupron, July 1, 2016; 717 ng/dL). PSA <0.1 ng/ml. RO decided to also do a CBC and put off Lupron injection until this week. Just received...
Just thought I would provide an update. Started ADT (Lupron) beginning of July and just completed 7 weeks of SRT as described in my previous update. No significant side effects of SRT (some minor...
Just thought I would post an update since my May 31 post. I have now had a bone scan and CT scan, both negative. I have a new Radiation Oncologist, who focuses on prostate cancer. He has spent a lot...
Bobby Mac--thanks for the links--this is news to me. My only comment is that most of my career, I have worked around laboratory animals (mice). To be through, I should probably have a PSA tested at...
Brava--I was a little hesitant to get back on the bike and it was only late April (4 months after RALP) that I started riding again. When I was 59 (pre prostate issues) and riding a lot (multiple...
Thanks again all for the comments and insights--I will be talking to my urologist tomorrow. I have done some checking today, based on the comments, into the radiation oncology center I would be...
Thanks for the input--I am having a bone scan next week. Rather than wait, I can request a new PSA next week. The urologist has indicated to me that if PSA is 0.4 or above, he wants to start ADT...
I recently discovered this Forum--this is my first post. A routine physical exam late August 2015, PSA of 6.3 and a nodule felt on the left side of my prostate during a DRE was followed by a biopsy...