Yes, last time I took even 3 pseudoephedrine pills and still erection lasted about 3 - 3.20 h...
I'd reduce doze, but the problem is that sometimes it's fine... I think that there are many other things involved except dose... how old is solution, your physical and mental conditions at specific...
Doctor prescribed me mix of papaverine 17.5, chlorpromazin 1.923, atropine 0.23 . One dose is 24ml. The problem that erection with same dose can last from 1.5-2 hours (that what I want) to 3.45 hours...
OK, 1 time did injection manually and it worked.... will see how it's going next time...
Everyone , thanks for replies! Just curious, are you doing injection into a flat or semi-erected penis?...
I also did a research about it and found: Chlorpromazine is an aliphatic phenothiazine that is indicated for the treatment of a variety of conditions ranging from nausea anxiety, schizophrenia, and...
I tried it, it worked 1 time, but I'm really scared to inject with injector :( btw, the solution I have contain: chlorpromazin 1.923 mg papaverine 17.5 atropine 0.23 m...
Yes, I used different sides, I injected when penis is flat or a bit erect...... same mixed results.... Yes, i'm useing BD ultra fine II 30g 5/16" syringes that I insert into Inject Ease (it's kinda...
I'm using mix of Papaverine , atrophine and ... i forgot the name.... The problem is not with dosage, as sometimes with the same dosage I have perfect erection for 2 hours or so , and sometimes...
I don;t have Prostate cancer, but this is the only thread I found that is talking about Penile Injections. I have performance ED, so doctor prescribed me injections. I'm using 30 g, 5/16 inch BD...