jerryo - sorry to hear this. It’s another fallacy i’m afraid, PCa doesn’t go dormant or become indolent, it’s another piece of crap that gets fed to us. The bottom line is that when PCa is outside of...
Yes ddyss - I read that paper a while back. You are clearly a highly enlightened member of this site. I find it completely unacceptable that these studies have not yielded better tests already....
We have a real example from the UK. Two celebrities Bill Turnbull (not globally known) and Stephen Fry (bigger name) both went public earlier this year. The effect was dramatic. The NHS missed its...
I know it’s a side issue for this thread but check this out Sadly the science speaks for itself, Gleason on an individual [per...
This is a sad tale but does not surprise me at all. Research conducted looking at over 100 genetic markers accross the Gleason 3 and 4 patterns concluded that PCa risk cannot be stratified by...
Diagnosed this year at 54. Had big aspirations for the last phase of my working life but that’s all gone now. Spend too much of my day thinking about PCa. When at work I want to be home with my...
Thanks all. I am going for monthly surveylance now and will hit this as hard as I can. Going to have a PSMA soon to check out any possible mets. Confirmed with my Onc today that any trend below the...
I have looked on the site but can’t find a clear answer but appologies if it has already been covered. Any idea what the difference is between Adjunct vs Salvage RT. Is it just a timing issue post...
Go with the PSMA 68 Gallium Scan - not the Choline PSMA scan. It’s ability to detect is based on PSA output of the PCa membrane. There are no guarantees but there has been one Member on the PCUk...
Hi all. The NHS does not force AS on any patient. The key requisite is that the patient is willing and if necessary takes counselling. They can call a halt any time. The problem is that the AS...