Yup. Fluid retention. Normal. I gained almost 20. Took about 5 weeks to get back to where I was pre-surgery....
At least this manifesto is shorter than the Unibombers....
I’m in the same situation as you. I don’t even see the urologist, I see his P.A. I call him Doogie, he’s about 16. I get my PSA score from Labcorp even before I see him. He spends 5 minutes telling...
Can someone explain exactly what benefits can be received by becoming eligible? One year in Mekong delta 1965-66. Pca Gleason 9, Undetectable since 2019. Thank you....
I’m inventing a system now, based on an electric garage door opener, Miniature, of course. Complete with remote control device. Still working out some of the bugs, chain vs screw operated. Screw...
I’ll be damned if I’m going to give myself a DRE. I draw the line. 😊...
Couldn’t agree more. Thank you for saying it....
I had the single port done on July 8th 2019. I have one 3/4 inch scar above my belly button, almost undetectable. One other 1/2 inch scar on lower right abdomen where the Jackson-Pratt drain went in....