My silence on the board since my bad pathology report has been due to a family tragedy. Our son took his own life just before we returned from my out of town surgery. Therefore, instead of...
Well day 8 came and catheter removed (a Blessing), but we were not prepared for the bad pathology report. We were devastated : "Margin-focally involved left anteroapical by adenocarinoma,...
Sick of catheter and the changing of the bags. Once you're set up with either bag life's not to bad. But, switching from the leg bag from the bedside bag is not a thing of beauty. My wife and I look...
I used Dr. Randy F*A*G*I*N* here in Austin for my procedure. He seems extremely involved and totally committed to the Da Vinci procedure. He is very responsive via phone and email. We really had a...
Just got back to hotel from hospital about an hour ago. Had my Da Vinci done here in Austin yesterday at 7:30am. (I live in Dallas, about a 3-4 hr drive). Surgery went well (so far anyway). I had a...
After much research and consultations, as well as discussions w/ my insurance company, I have narrowed down to two surgeons who are in network. I would have to travel for either surgeon but I don't...
Talked to 3 surgeons in Texas - Slawin in Houston performs this surgery w/ the extraperitoneal method. He feels this is safer because no entry into the abdominal cavity. The other 2 use the...
Thanks for the support. I am interested because he is in my area. Could a very good surgeon fly under the radar like that? His nurse told me he had completed 900 Da Vinci procedures and learned from...
This Dr. has supposedly done over 900 Da Vinci surgeries but there is zero mention of him on web searches except for his orology group's own ad.The ad claims the group is the 3rd largest robotics...
As I interview perspective Da Vinci surgeons I find that some do and some don't take the lymphnodes. if you don't have signs of more aggressive cancer.(very high PSA and Gleason) some I have talked...
I have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am 55 yrs. old. My PSA is 3.9 w/ .5 Free PSA and 13% Free PSA. My biospsy results indicated 3 of 12 samples were cancerous with a gleason score...