Thanks for the support! I should say that I just had a little bit of incontinece, just afterwards, and might not have peed myself if I'd had one more opportunity to go just before the procedure (I...
Well, I just got back from my first biopsy. Was it as bad, or as good, as they say? My doctor doesn't do intrvavenous sedation. He prescribed two 10mg Valium (enough to "stun a horse" in the words of...
Thanks to all for the responses. Yes, it's quite a contrast to the orthopedic surgeon who did meniscus surgery on me last June - even though he was very busy he made good use of the limited time we...
I've been scheduled for my first biopsy in a few weeks. I'm 51 and my PSA was 5.5 recently, and I have some BPH symptoms but nothing showing from a DRE. I am extremely doctor-phobic, and just reading...