No indeterminate bands - they were all listed as either 'reactive' or 'non-reactive'....
Forgive my ignorance on this... So it seems that several of those bands (including the ones I tested reactive to), are specific to Lyme. So really, if you get a reactive band, to, say, 23 - the Lyme...
Thanks Razzle and Traveler! My sister is very sick with chronic Lyme, so I didn't know if I was just being overly cautious or if there was real reason to be concerned... As far as symptoms go, I...
I just got a copy of my lab results from a little while ago, and am confused. According to the usual CDC definition, it's negative. I hope that's right! But why did some of the bands come back...
Just found out that my toddler is DQ2 positive, but DQ8 negative. I know that doesn't necessarily mean she has celiac, but i have a feeling that she may because of her symptoms. It's all very...
blah - I hope that's not true. I got this doctor's info off the site - he's with a place called the "tick borne illness center", so he better be a lyme literate doc! I also think he is...
My daughter had an EM rash pop up last week. After much frustration with her regular pediatrician(s), I finally took her to a lyme literate doctor, who straight away said that it was a classic EM...
Thanks to both of you for your replies! Ticker - I think I am going to email you a picture of the rash if you dont mind... I just really feel like I need another opinion on it before I really pursue...
Hi there everyone, My toddler has/had what appeared to me to be a bullseye rash on her leg - it was slightly larger than a quarter in diameter. I noticed what I thought to be a mosquito bite last...