Hi everyone, So I've had a thyroid disorder which started two years ago. since then I had hyperthyroid with very low TSH levels .00 and couple of months ago was elevated to 6.25 the endrocanoligist...
Hi, I've been having my TSH levels checked for almost a year now. It's was low to not existent and went to 6.25. Because of a thyroiditis, possibly viral. On the lab papers which I've been holding on...
29 male I have been diagnosed with Thyroiditis for a year. It started as Hyper for many months with loss of weight and fast heart rate. Then my levels went into Hypo for a couple of months with...
Hi, Sounds like some of your symptoms might have another cause. Did you get a complete blood count and tsh levels? Sometimes over and under active thyroid levels may cause sleeping trouble. Try...
Showed up for a visit with my pimary care and asked for ANA test to see if autoimmune was the cause. Now I have to wait a week for the results. Seeing the endo tommorow to get TSH levels. Get well...
Sounds like some symptoms I was having for a couple of days. The uptake test should shed some light on what's going on. My TSH Levels are 6.24 now and still don't understand what my dx is. Does...
Did anyone mention why your TSH levels were elevated MissT?...
My TSH levels has been changing alot lately. Started out being .04 Hyper After a couple of months it was 5.70 Hypo. Couple weeks later it was 2.55 normal ranges. Now it's 6.75 Hypo. Does this...
Hi beebkiss, Sounds like alot to go through. If I told my doctor I had all those symptoms they would send me away saying it was anxiety. Sometimes they do anyway. But I would suggest you try to...
Results from the endocrinologist are back for TSH, T4 and T3's being within ranges. Still having symptoms of Hyper, Think I might have a UTI in the kidneys. cause of home test showing traces of...
So Leothyoxime medication should help resolve some hypo symptoms and should I stay away from sleep medication like seroquel if not started Thryroid replacement?...
I have been hypothyroid for two months my endocrine said might be silent thyroiditis couple of days pulse has been 68 bpm more resently when i wake up it's around 85bpm and sometimes in the afternoon...
Hey Shell, My guess would be "No your anxiety doesnt bother thyroid". But Hypo may be causing some signs and symptoms. Please ask an endocrinologist to set a appointment for office visit and keep us...
Hi Shell, my name is Thomas. I've been hypothyroid since the start of Dec 2011. Before then I was hyper for 4 months. That's when I stopped smoking ciggerettes. Now don't smoke or drink anymore. None...
Yeah that sux when the doctor goes on vacation and need someone to talk to about your symptoms, the hyperthyroid will go away after tsh levels goes to zero. The endrocanoligist gave me some...
I'm new here too I look up symptoms and diagnosis online once a while and found a little bit of info about thyroid nodules. http://www.medicinenet.com/thyroid_nodules/article.htm...
Okay thanks Judy, it seems to vary some day low normal and other times it's fast high but just got over hyperthyroidism so could still be symptoms from then....
Is faster then average heart rate 94bpm normal with begainning hypothyroidism after thyroiditis?...