Thank you for the information you have shared on the post. Has anyone heard of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease? Besides weight gain and weight loss as potential side effects of plaquenil, what are...
I am new to the group. What is the GAPS Diet, and what do you mean going gluten-free and grain-free? How does that help autoimmune disease? Please advise....
I have a normal TSH 0.94 with the range 0.34-5.60, as well as a T3 reverse which is 26, where the range is 7-24. My T4 total, T3 free and T4 free TG antibodi and T perioxidase are normal however I...
Bluelilly: I almost thought I was reading my own post. I too am falling through the medical cracks. I have seen cardiology, GI, Endocrinology, rheumatology, neurology, etc. What are your next steps?...
Thanks for your post. I too had the panic, however when I had my attack, I was told I had SVT or rapid heart rate and that was the cause of my palpitations, even though all along I thought the...
The weight loss, as in my case, relates to malabsorption occuring in the small intestine. You might want to check with your GI. I have lost quite a bit, so have your primary care check your B vitamin...