yea ive heard the same. tried both now i stopped nature to see if ur doctors theory was correct.i woke up today feel 100x better then i did yesterday. but everyone is apparently different doesnt...
my characteristics are thyroid type symptoms. This came from thyroid sexy on facebook in the notes section under the same note. "Emotional Disorders Any and every emotional disorder can be brought...
Ive been trying to go full gluten free but its expensive still trying tho. and so far Armour didnt help me did at first then i went heywire again. yesterday was my 1st dose of nature-thyroid and its...
here is a story of what my wife sent me and its pretty much on T to how i feel "This is my story with Hashi’s. 5 yrs ago I moved to New York to marry my fiancé. About 3 months after moving I began to... ...
ill try next time......
ok well to start off my name is steven and just turned 26 in march. ive been dealing with hashimoto's for a while now cant say that long compaired to some of the stories ive at a point...