Lyme mompi, I was going to email you and see if we could swap some recipes. I can't find your email address in your profile. Would you mind either posting your email or clicking on me and getting my...
Most doctors would not ask you to start eating gluten again. I have been battling to get a diagnosis for 30+ years. I have had the two old gold standard tests that came back negative. One blood test...
Read the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It deals with people that need to take out all carbs from their diet. I was Celiac for years. 11 years ago I took my self off of gluten...
Forum Mod, yes, most are on something else. I am on 5mcg's and don't know it is right. I have never been on thyroid meds and think it may be off. I have only been on it 4 days, but have weird...
Thanks Joy for the post. What kind of food allergies do you have. I have been fighting a multitude of allergies. Do you feel better on the thyroid med?...
I was just started on Cytomel for a possible T3 deficiency. I am hoping this is it. I have been sick since Jan and would love insight, wisdom, and information on all aspects of thyroid issues. I am...