Has anyone ever tried any herbal remedies or seen a Holistic MD? I wonder what they say about Crohns. I've heard that Fish Oil is good or Flaxseed oil, but that's all I know. My daughter is also on...
My daughter started showing symptoms of IBD at 18 months. It is not really common, but does happen. My daughter had very loose stools about 5-6 times a day with blood and mucuos. That's when we knew...
kimberly, I have a 6 month old son too and I get worried that he'll have the same thing as my daughter has. It's so scary becuase you don't know how much is genetics/environmental etc. So far, my son...
Wow, it sounds like you had quite the ordeal with diagnosing your daughter. Like you, my daughter is also my first child and I didn't know that loose stools weren't normal. Then last november, she...
I think that my husband (like most husbands) feel the need to protect their children and family. I think that if he could, he would trade places with her. I guess the most frustrating thing for him...
I love the book written by Jill Sklar entitled "The First Year: Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis." She has CD and writes from a patient perspective. She addresses all the things that you would...
My daughter (3 yrs old in March) has been dealing with IBD for about a year. I've been trying to stay really positive about things, but my husband is having a really tough time with it. He won't read...
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. My daughter was 18 months when her symptoms started appearing. Although not officially diagnosed with either Chrons or UC, she has inflammation throughout...
She hasn't tried any enemas or suppositories yet. I'll have to look into that. The nice thing about this (if there is a nice thing) is that she doesn't seem to have any pain associated with it. She...
My daughter is almost 3 years old and for the past 18 months has had colitis. She hasn't been officially diagnosed with any particular disease, but the Pediatric GI is just treating the symptoms. She...