This Diet is Pretty darn cool you guys, I'm having a blast eating all these fruits and almond flour goods. I made macaroons the other night, so so good. I really need to start selling those,lol. And...
I'm giving it a shot. Having to take prednsione for the first time, shook me up enough to decide to try it. I've been strictly sc diet since Sep. 4th. Unfortunetly for experiments sake, I started...
thanks for all the replies. beth 75, I really like your advice! In fact it's just about the plan i thought of to talk to my regular GI about. I'll see him on Tuesday when i'm on day 4 at 20 mg, day...
Just an update. This is day 8 overall on prednisone, 5 days at 40 mg, today is day 3 of 30 mg. Definetly improving! I've also been on the sc diet for 6 days also. Unfortunetly doing both at the saem...
Thanks MH, "In my expierences with prednisone if your UC symptoms are not gone within the first two highest dosage tapers and you keep tapering your UC flare will most likely come right back to full...
Thanks for the reply UC sucks. lol, I love that name, best on this site. I hope its reasonable to drop that fast, I'll see my regular gi in about 10 days so ill be at 20 mg by then and see what he...
SO i saw the stand in gi doc today, because my regular is out of town. These doctors visits are getting really frustrating, the whole system makes it hard to blame the doctors though. Anyways, that's...
Lucky777, that's good news! Accupuncture is amazing. Not sure if it will help with your condition, but i guarantee you will feel better afterwards. To me It's just as relaxing and stress relieving as...
Unless you organically grow your own tobaco plants in your yard. I'd say cigarettes are about one of the worst chemical combinations you could possibly consume. Think of all the crap they put into...
Momma duck your are an amazing wife to be doing that with him or for him. I thought it was a blessing to be alone in this(single, no kids,heck not even a dog), cause i would hate for anybody, my age...
Hey thanks so much everyone, Well and update for you. I haven't taken the pred yet. But i DO think all the advice i got to take it and see how it goes is correct. I will start it today in fact. It's...
I started on 400 x 6 pills a day. Now on 400 x 12 cause i was stubborn and didn't see a GI for that first year. As soon as he saw me and read my file he but me on 12 a day. Worked great for 2 months,...
Thanks for the posts everyone, Based on what you've said so far , I'm realizing the same thing that i keep coming to with the disease, It's all on me. I have to decide everything on my own cause i am...
I hope its ok I double posted. I just posted this in this UC forum. But i thought i might get some good advice here to. Hey everyone, After lurking on theses boards for Since my diagnosis in april...
Hey everyone, After lurking on theses boards for Since my diagnosis in april '07, I finally joined one! I want to thank everyone reading this for there contributions to this wonderful web of...