All kinds of cold bothers me and always has. I avoid and dislike ice, cold water, air conditioners, fans, cold food (especially deli meats) etc. I never noticed the correlation until you mentioned...
I'm 13 weeks pregnant (1st baby) and I've been in remission for 4 years. Unfortunately, my pregnancy (hormones) triggered a flare up at 8 weeks. In the past my flare ups were triggered by antibiotics...
Lialda is working well for me (on it for 2 weeks) Ive been in remission for 4 years (with no meds) but my pregnancy caused a severe flare up. I had a colonoscopy at 11 weeks pregnant and it revealed...
I take 4 Lialda per day but space them out and take them every 4-6 hours. I've had great results this way. I have ulcerative colitis in my entire colon. And the pills started working within 2 days....