I can kind of relate to this as I am normally a skinny person, but now my belly bulges out noticeably. It is a bad sign, perhaps indicating - literally - an inflated colon. Air gest trapped as big...
What do you mean by a low residue diet? I have been in intense pain for around 13 hours straight now, and this is the longest it has ever been at any one time. I am very worried here......
Thanks... I'm actually going to be going over and back to England twice this week (I live in Ireland) and won't be seeing my doc for a while. Kevin...
Hey, I haven't made any other changes with regard to my diet. I'm just remembering something now too that when I eat jelly-based foods, I get the same response. Basically, I seem to retain water and...
Hey, I was on Dipentum (Olsalazine) recently as a compacted-tablet, and everything was fine. However, I went to a different pharmacy recently and was given hard-capsules instead. Ever since taking...
Good point! You might be wondering why I've only got 80+ posts and have been a member since 2005. Well, the answer is that I'm a moderator on a different forum and have amassed 13000+ posts there....
Yep, I received quite a few sessions of CBT for my OCD and bulimia. I also have Asperger's Syndrome, which does'nt make things easy. I generally regard myself as ridden with bad genes; but you guys...
Yeh, I have the colonoscopy to look forward to now after my exams. When my doctor mentioned it, I said under my breath: "...a thrilling encounter...", regarding the colonoscopy. She heard me and...
I'm on Olsalazine (anti-inflammatory) and Calcium tablets - That's all. The Calcium tablets go by the trade name of Ideos, and the anti-inflammatories are called Dipentum. i still have a stash of...
Yeh, it was prednisolone. Wait, is prednisone the same as prednisolone? It's the steroid with the trade-name: Deltacortril enteric. I was always aware of it's ability to increase the rate of Calcium...
Hi guys, Your replies me a lot to me - I thank you very much (Go rabh míle maith agat (in Irish)). In my case, I think that it was due to prednisolone usage too. I have to admit too that I went...
Hi, Has anyone ever been doagnosed with Osteopaenia (in the US: Oste openia) before? I have it, and I'm slightly worried about my health in general. I think that I'm running myself into the ground...
Chicken has been mentioned a lot here and I agree - It's also one of my 'safe foods'. Rice cakes go well for me too, as do pears....
Kanditron , I feel for you my friend! When I was diagnosed, I was also put on 40mg Prednisolone (Prednisone) and the effects were immediate. I only slept 3 or four hours each night; could jog much...
What I get from reading this is a reminder of the fact that nobody truly knows the full-extent of how UC works. However, different foods certainly do affect it. For example, high-fibre foods tend to...