Thanks so much Suebear and Babeinthewoods!...
Thanks so much for your kind responses. I guess it couldn't hurt to go ahead and take the probiotics as I certainly don't want C.diff on top of everything else right now! I would be interested in...
I had to be put on a high dose of amoxicillin to clear up some bacterial infections and have been pondering the timing of implementing probiotics. To my mind, there's not really any point in taking...
Thank you so much for the kind responses. It turned out to be iritis and the steroid drops that I started yesterday evening have already relieved much of the pain. Just in time for me to prep for my...
I guess I should have checked past forum discussions. Looks like several folks in the UC and Chrons forums have had experience with this. sigh. I hope the appointment goes well this afternoon and...
In a flare right now and have been fighting a number of bacterial infections due to my suppressed immune system. My most current issue (though it may not be bacterial) is uveitis. Apparently it is an...
Just a thought...Could your lowered immune system from the cold have increased the chance of a C. Diff infection? It seems the whole concept of the SCD is that it creates a 'better' environment for...
Does 'Nicotine therapy' only work with vaping or could I use something like a patch or nicotine gum. Currently I have a bunch of 4mg Nicotine gum from a friend who quit smoking. I'm wondering if this...
Oops! forgot to add my signature which shows what I'm currently on....
Well I put off taking prednisone for as long as I could with this flare. Unfortunately, my immune system went brezerk and I got a terrible sinus infection, staph infection, chest cold that simply...
When i was in a really bad flare I developed significant joint pain and plantar fascitis (severe heel pain). As my flare subsided on medications so did my joint pain. No pain now. However I usually...
I have a history (family and personal) of anxiety attacks and depression. Anxiety increased greatly with UC. Lorazapam (as needed) has helped immensely with feelings of anxiety and warding off an...
I am 0- blood type, and had the rohgam shot with my son 7.5 years ago. My symptoms didn't surface until about 2 years ago, so I'm not sure if that was a contributing factor....
I have been taking Ativan regularly [1mg (1 -3x/day)] for chronic anxiety/panic attacks not related necessarily to UC for about 1 year now. I went into remission in March of this year and have had no...
Hey there. Haven't posted in a while but came to check the boards because I'm having issues with a bad cold and wanting to avoid antibiotic use so was poking around to find info. Anyway. I started...
Thanks for the input. No I definitely don't want to go into another flare. I guess I just feel so giddy about being 'well'. But then I guess the thing to remember with UC is that you're never 'well'....
'precautionary tale' LOL I guess the former was a freudian slip!...
After a (looong) year and a half in a severe flare I think that I'm finally in remission! Yipee! I thank the folks on this board for helping me to get there and making me a stronger advocate with my...
Wishing you a speedy recovery and loads of good thoughts!...
Well, I took the advice (finally) of all the experienced pros on this message board and asked my doctor to prescribe enemas. I've been using the Hydracort enemas every night for about a week now and...
At the onset of my UC I was experiencing really bad cystic type acne on my face and infected hair follicles under my arms that was diagnosed as an uncontrolled staph infection. I don't know if it was...
OK, I'll call this afternoon and set up the blood work as well. I've been convinced! I told you I just needed some perspective. Sometimes I just feel like I'm in such a mental haze with this illness....
Thanks, for the input. I'll shorten my signature. Just newbie inexperience I guess....
I'm starting a new post on this topic in hopes that someone can share their vast wisdom on rectal meds. Before I talk to my GI about options I just want to know what kinds/names of rectal meds are...
Feel better soon and give your body the rest that it needs. Lots of fluids!...
Thanks for all of the input. I guess I just need a kick in the kiester to make the call. I will also push to try rectal meds, as he has never even suggested their use. What rectal meds should I ask...
I forgot to mention. I was supposed to call my GI back 6 months ago. geez....
So I'm in a bit of a conundrum with how to proceed with my illness. I am a 34 year old female who was hospitalized and diagnosed with severe-pan colitis in Fall of 2008 and have not yet gone into...
It's taken my sking months to clear up since getting off the prednisone. I'm using a sulfatol cleanser and retinol from the dermatologist to assist. I developed cystic type acne while on prednisone...
Hang in there. I had severe cystic type acne once I started on prednisone (about 6 months ago!) that has yet to clear up, so I know what it feels like to feel unattractive on top of the UG. I promise...
Thanks, Sherry! It's tough sticking with the diet, especially for a foodie like myself! Cooking and eating good food was one of my main hobbies. ;-)...
Hey there- Pretty new to this forum and have really appreciated reading through what everyone else has endured and overcome. I am in an active flare of colitis since October 2008 and just feeling...
I was diagnosed with severe pancolitis this past fall and am still in an active flare. I seem to be resistant to Prednisone (and have very bad side effects from it anway) and have had 3 staph...
Prednisone gave me the shakes pretty bad as well. I've ben on the bactrin multiple times for recurring staph infections (i guess due to the immunosuppressant's effects) and have not had the shakes...