I've only been taking Sulfa 500mgs 2 twice a day. Yes waiting for a Derma. Hopefully its nothing too serious....
Since I was a lil girl I've always experienced skin problems. But it went away for years. It suddenly just came back this year. Im still waiting to be referred to a Derma. I've also experienced...
I've read in an article that UC can affect skin (rashes), eyes, and your liver. I recently this year experienced a lot of blurry vision and weird skin pigments. I have white small blotches on my arms...
Thx for the respones. I always was a lil confused on wether or not I've been diagnosed right. I've seen two different GI doctors already and came to the same conclusion that its UC. But I never...
My name is Cindy, 23, and have UC for five years now. Im new to the boards. I have my UC in control. Havent had a flare up in a year or any bleeding for three years. Been really takin control of my...