I tried Apriso for 6 months with no results and changed to a new doctor who put me on pentasa, it worked much better. I don't think the apriso was breaking down but with the pentasa I can actually...
Im with you kazy girl, If I feel a fart coming on during a flare im running to a toilet somewhere or behind a tree if im out exercising and the smell during a flare is just flat out nasty. I will...
I hope the new meds work well for you when you get them. Let me know, I just had the enzyme tests done yesterday to see if i can take the 6-mp. I hope its not too expensive either because my...
I forgot to say i do have a really big family and nobody has ever had issues with UC until me....
I have did some research on this also since i have a young son and a lot a studies say your child would only have a 5-10 percent chance of developing UC. Dont let 5-10 percent chance keep you from...
I hope gavin feels better soon. I just started my prednisone this morning so maybe i will feel better soon also....
Good luck christine, I hope you get the infusion friday and feel better quick. I will keep you in my prayers....
I may have to start taking the 6 mp very soon also and i would be very interested to see what the immunologist tells you. Keep us posted....
I had my doctors appointment today and like i thought i will be starting prednisone in the morning. The doc put me on a 5 week taper 40mg down to 5mg the fifth week. I hate having to take this but i...
I bleed every time i have a bm and about 6 -8 other times per day i feel like im having a bm and just lose a lot of blood....
I have not been on prednisone yet but i am going to the doc this tuesday and he told me a few weeks ago if my condition was not improving this may be an option. I just want to know i will get some...
I notice a lot of people are on probiotis. Does the doctor have to prescribe something strong enough to help or can i just go with yogurts or something else with probiotics? ...
I feel your pain, My wife and I went out tonight to a really nice place in atlanta and i had no appetite. The worse part was after spending a small fortune i could not make it home without stopping...
Im new to this site but reading many of your stories have me optimostic for hope. I was diagnosed with Ulceritive proctitis and severe colitis 9/2009 and have only got worse since. I have been on...