Zippy: Fructose and apples are bad when taken in an empty stomach. But when taken after meals, there is usually no problem. I personally don't like butter or margerine and like cream cheese better....
Try the diet that I have suggested in another post. What would truly help with your pain is sitting in water after a bowel movement, then spray your rectal area with as cold a water as you can...
SM from California: Yogurt in moderate amounts with other foods is okay but for some who are suffering from b;oating, it can create more problems. What I meant about spending more time in the...
Beeswax: If you follow the diet that I have suggested, you will be in remission for the rest of your life [as I have been since 1993] and you will remain healthy, avoiding other health problems. Coke...
For those who are voting: You need to give it a try for at least a week. Some people have preconceptions or I guess are pushing other remedies and are voting negatively immediately after reading what...
Don't even consider ileostomy. Follow the diet that I have suggested and within months you will be fine...but you will have to stay on that diet. See my post on this subject....
Eat only egg whites. In fact that's the very best thing that you can do! If you must eat yolk, then use half a yoke for two egg whites and either scramble or make an omellette. Do NOT eat egg yolk...
The most important lesson is to avoid all foods that cause stomach bloating and coarse/rough fiber (especially in an empty stomach) that can scratch the lining of your colon. Drink plenty of water...