Congrats I'm cured. Everyone reacts different to every food. At the moment I have bowel movement every second day. My stool is hard. My mother (who actually is my nutrient and treats me like a baby...
From psychological perspective maybe helps reducing the stress.Most of my friends smoke and when they are under stress or nervous they smoke cigarette after cigarette.When i watch them make me sick....
I'm in best form of my life. I run every day 7 km(low tempo) with short sprints,play basketball,soccer,push-ups,abdominal exercises,biceps,triceps blood work is great(my doctor says for UC...
It is probably the iron.Blueberry juice can cause dark stool too.When i was having iron my stools were sometimes green and when i was having blueberry juice they were darker....
More water will not do any harm. Especially mineral water(bottle).I often have a hard stool and my doctor says than i need to drink more water/liquids to soften my stool.Average recommendation is 2...
I had the same experience ArandomGuy.I tried probiotics and it was sorted out.I poop normal now.I think you may have to rich your flora with positive bakteria....
I apologize sweetmelody.I went too hard and i acted selfish.I wanted to share my situation since i have UC.I just live that way.Made colonoscopy three months ago.My colon was great i only have flares...
Hold on there.Keep your stress level low.Think positive and you will handle everything with ease....
I have UC for 8 years.The first 4 years my doctor recommended Aloe gel.I mixed it up with water and drunk it in the morning on empty gut.I was doing excellent for 4 years and i thought i was curred...
UC made me stronger and I am proud that i eat healthy food.Feeling depressed gets you nowhere.Live like a normal person.Some people live on alternative food or take a look at vegeterians they are...
For everyone is different.Experiment but do not go too far.Avoid spicy food,trans fats,less sugar,less fiber.Eat cooked food as much as possible.Try to eat fish,rice,dairy products(avoid milk go with...