Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone here for all the great advice. I recently had another colonoscopy and after 3 days of waiting to hear from my doctor I finally deceided to call and get the...
I am always hot. Nights are bad for me also. I have air conditioner on high and ceiling fan going. I thought it was from the 6mp. I was just doubled on the 6mp and am so hot most of the time I call...
I was just increased to 100mg a day and tapering the Prednisone 5mg a day. Nothing seems to be working but hopefully after the colonoscopy on Friday they will be able to do something to control this....
I have started a food diary but nothing seems to "trigger' a flare up. I am now down to 5mg of prednisone and am feeling like I am going backwards. When I am on the higher dose I feel better but...
Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the ideas and advice....
sweetie31105, I only started the Asacol HD DR 800mg last month so I am not sure how it is working. I haven't been able to get it under control. Dr seems more fustrated than me. The 6mp I started a...
what I want and others not so much. Salad is totally out of the picture. I am just not sure of what triggers my flair ups. I am on quiet a few meds which also messes with my bowel routine. Does...