Great news! What a fabulous doctor you have!...
Helloi. I have done fmt with great success... I am actually at the moment on a course of it, as I was forced to go on anti biotics for an unrelated medical condition, which made the colitis flare up...
Dr. Briggs, I have UC, and have been trying many alternative therapies for 5 years now. (including a trip to Peru and a 10 day Ayahuasca dieta with a Shipibo Curandaro). I have just completed a 10...
@ notsosickly. .... I have had 3 or 4 colonoscopies previously using a different prep, which has since been discontinued as there is to much risk for kidney failure. But it worked to clear my bowel,...
Thanks for replying notsosicklygirl. They were not able to see much of the colon, but what they did see was very inflamed. I had been on the mesalamine enemas, which the internist said were NOT...
/community/emoticons/confused.gif Hello. Thanks for reading this and for what ever you have to offer in the way of advice. I am in the midst of a 14 month flare after being in remission for 4 years....
I agree with Zippy. When you consider the vast profits being made by pharma companies, corruption becomes impossible. It's repeated over and over with every large corporate industry. The oil and gas...
Have you tried the nicotine treatment mentioned by another member in an earlier post? I went on the "patch" about a week ago and have noticed an improvement already (go figure) I am not a smoker and...
Bostwis1... Have you heard of a book called "Breaking the vicious cycle"? (by Elaine Gottschall B.A,M.Sc.) If you are interested in altering your diet to help with this disease, I would say this is...
Sibby, I agree with you that everyone needs to decide for themselves what to take to get relief from the debilitating effects of this disease. However, there are too many people who are led to...
Bostwis1. I commend your caution regarding Remicaid. I, like Sibby, am from Canada, and my "specialist" is suggesting Imuran for me. (I'm so sorry Sibby, and mean no disrespect, but your reply sounds...
Hi, Haven't been here for a while due to my (previously) excellent health during remission.... It's baaaack!!!!! With a vengence. Speaking of gas. I guess I'm weird. No smell, but jet propulsion like...
I totally agree with imagardner. It's so hypocritical that a substance with as many potentially harmful effects as alcohol is so widely advocated and accepted, and something as benign as (medicinal,...