probiotics and ground flax seeds have helped me a lot! :)...
I've had UC for 13 years, and after the 8 year mark, I've had a colonoscopy every two years......
I found a teabag that is peppermint, ginger, and fennel which is great but I also boil ginger root for about 10 minutes then add lemon, and sometimes honey to it and's good...and...
Hello everyone, I've been MIA for a while, but now I'm back and feeling great! Having UC for 13 years now, I've had many struggles..but it seems that things are getting better and easier! I have been...
Hello Mari, I too am seeing a nutritionist/homeopathic doctor. I've been seeing her for about a month now and I feel great! I also had a food sensitivity test done, so I try my best to avoid those...
Hello... I totally feel your pain with the food restrictions and feeling like you are not able to eat ANYTHING! I have explored eating ancient grains and found that they do not upset/aggravate my UC....
I can totally relate...when I was on prednisone I was super moody and emotional...I don't miss that at all :)...
On behalf of KrissyUC... Is being asked to stop all salofalk (oral and rectal) for one week before surgery...what can she do to prevent a flare? VSL twice a day instead of once?...
It does not say that you HAVE to take benefibre with food, but that you can take it with food if you like as it will not alter the colour, texture or flavour. To be honest, I was feeling really gassy...
I mix my VSL with applesauce too...and not sure why, but it also makes me feel less gassy than mixing with water :)...
I will :) The recommended dosage is 1-2 rounded teaspoons 3 times/day...I'm starting with 1 teaspoon twice a day..and we'll see how it goes.....
Yes, the main reason I want to add the fibre is to bulk up's not diarrhea, but not completely formed. I do take VSL as a probiotic, so maybe I will stick to the inulin...and see how it...
I wanted to add a fibre supplement to my diet, so I started taking benefibre last night. However when reading the ingredients it contains Inulin, and not psyllium seed powder..and I've also heard...
I take FeraMax (300 mg/day) is a little hard on the stomach..took me about a week or so to get used to it....CONGRATULATIONS!...
Most of my discomfort is on my left side and under my comes and goes for me too, and sometimes even the slightest movement will trigger it.......
The highest does of Prednisone I've been on has been 40mg...and it did stimulate my appetite, but only after it started to kick in, so I was feeling a lot better and was no longer scared to eat....
I agree...VSL does more for me than the fish oil .... :)...
Hi... I have anemia as well and have been taking iron supplements since December 2009..I just started taking a prenatal multivitamin (Materna) as my husband and I are planning to start a family...
I agree with you Krissy!! I always think it's progress when a fart is just a fart! lol...
I found that it has helped a bit, but not too much......
For me, Prednisone starts working within a week, and I found that adding a rectal med helped me get out of the flare faster and start tapering faster....
Kris, when I was not so great, almost every time I did a rectal med in the morning, it came right I understand what you mean...I would do them later in the day (ie after work) then at bedtime...
LOL..I can't remember the last time I had gushers!...
I haven't tried it..I know that eating foods that are high in Vitamin C help in the absorption of iron..but didn't know about vitamin B...I do take a multivitamin...not sure if that's enough...
Hello, I'm looking try some gluten-free foods...are there any brand names/specific products I should look out for?...
Brad1821, I can really relate to this...before my UC was under control, I couldn't even get through a's very frustrating and embarrassing...I found that adding a rectal med helped with the...
Thank you for all of your kind words ! :)...
I definitely agree that keeping a food journal is helpful, especially when you are just starting to find out which foods bother you, and which don't. I found that making dietary changes as well as...
I was on Humira for one year and while I was on it, had a flare...not a super bad one, but nonetheless a flare...I was doing weekly injections...I couldn't get out of the flare without adding...
I have to say that my answer would depend on who's asking..and I can understand the frustration in always getting asked how I'm doing/feeling, but having the support of people around me has really...
Hi everyone, I am new to HealingWell..I was referred by a friend, and so happy I joined. I am 27 years old, and I was diagnosed with UC when I was 15. I flared every 6 months for the first two...
My stomach makes lots of noise too! I do notice it when I tend to have a larger meal than usual or eat dinner later than usual ......