That's pretty much the boat I am in. Currently on pred taper 20 mg, down from 40mg. Remicade is my next step. I have already completed the TB test, Hep B test, and chest xray. Still passed blood even...
There is a savings card for the HD. You should be able to get it for free!...
Boxermom2, I am that way normally about my house without prednisone. The pred make me just the opposite. So, can you come over and tidy up my house until I am off this nasty drug?! I will be happy to...
I have been shaking so bad the last 2 days and it's driving me NUTS!!!! As my grandmother says, "I feel as nervous as a cat". My dosing has been 40 mg for 1 1/2 weeks, then 30 mg for 1 1/2 weeks. Tmr...
Hi Imac Girl, I am not sure about which UC drugs are okay with BF but I wanted to say how wonderful it is that you are looking into this already and preparing yourself. You are already ahead of the...
I have the Mirena IUD and love it. I am actually on my second one. The first one I had to have removed d/t unexplained abdominal pain which went away once it was removed. I was already planning to...
Thanks Peace&Harmony. Just ordered mine. Had to adjust the link Anyone have experience using this card? Do you know if you can use it on airlines when the fasten seatbelt sign is on -...