Hi everyone. I was just in the hospital for the last 10 days trying to get my UC flare under control. My colitis has gotten a lot worse and I now have Pancolitis, lucky me!...Anyway, they had me on 3...
Thanks for the info. I'll just get to the ER so they can give me more steroids for the time being....
Hi everyone. So I'm in the middle of one of my worst flares ever. Going 20+ times a day, bloody, mucous. I lost my government assistance because I was late in renewing it and had to start over. I'm...
"I just signed up to this forum, in order to reply to this thread. The product Beyond Tangy Tangerine is phenomenal. The creator of the product has 4 medical degrees however he is not an MD (..but...
"This poster has been signed up since 2009 and their first post was sharing part of their story. I love it when people discount things just because they like to minimize people and their...
Started smoking around 1961,quit 1977,UC 1980,started smoking again 1982 UC symptoms gone. Quit 1986 for two weeks,flared,started smoking again,flare never stopped,still in same flare. Quit nov 2011...
I always love the people that sign up on here, have no prior posts and tout some wonder supplement lol...
I came on here to ask the same exact question actually! I don't have much luck quitting smoking and avoiding a flare either. I was diagnosed with UC in 2001 a few months after I quit smoking. I think...
hi everyone. I have also had luck with smoking and UC. I was first diagnosed in '01 a few months after quitting smoking. It seems every time I've quit smoking my UC comes back. I was wondering if...
can you give me the name of the forum you saw this in? I was actually just going to try vitamin d out as a possible therapy for my UC, thanks!...
Hi, I'm currently on 10mg prednisone and 75mg 6-mp. I am always hot and sweating. I am actually happy it's fall now because I can get some relief! The summer was brutal for me. I feel like this whole...
hey everyone, i'm supposed to start 6mp on friday. Its good to see it helping a lot of people! I'm hoping it works for me, ive been steroid dependent for a long time now and absolutely hate it! I'll...