thanks would be nice but I think the suprep with be salty ...but it cant be anyworse then the magn/citrate I took 5 years ago.... thanks you guys are all a great help.. Diane...
ok just cked and yes I will be under the normal light sedation they give all...I spoke with the nurse and she also said the Suprep was a very good prep and they have little complaints with it I...
ya know I sure as HELL hope I am fully asleep ...hummm??? I will call the scope center on this one...your right normally you are NPO after midnight..???...
Red, my scopes are on friday the noon....I called the doctor yesterday after freaking out ...he said to take the first one at 5pm thursday evening then the 2nd dose at 7:00 in the morning...I...
awww...thanks decaf....yeah that stuff is pretty awful to read...ya know what I was reading on this site about the suprep did make me feel a little better...lets face it ...they all... now that is a quick response ....I assume the company is covering its butt ...and was unaware that all the preps say the same thing....I have been having some stomach issues over the...
Ok bare with me folks I rarely post on these sites... so my question is Suprep..I read that for the most part everyone is happy with it (or as happy as well all can be) I have my test on friday the...