hello hekela! yes, i am getting very good advice indeed! from everyone! thank you for the tip on zinc. I believe i will keep my son on the same regimen for now, but i may try tumeric/curcumin in the...
Hi subdued! this is so true! no matter what! we are our own and our children's advocates. I think I've actually become obsessed with internet searching.lol. but, i have learned so much about...
Hi Elephant Pipe, thanks for the info. yeah, I think maybe it could have just been the surgery stories that I read that were horrible. the recovery part was bad, but then they said they went on to...
@ElephantPipe, I'm in Florida. I was completely opposed to surgery at first, but am now open to if necessary, mostly due to people on these type of forums who talk about their experiences. I was...
thank you Change is Possible! i can't begin to tell you how valuable your information is to me and for the welfare of my son! I pray everyday and just keep on along with what we are doing. I hope...
thanks UCPOP! I'm just shocked how there are so many young children now affected with this disease and little to no awareness of it. just doesn't seem right. makes me want to really get the word out...
thanks Veronica. I guess I am scared. Of course, if my son went down hill again and we had to do the surgery, we would not hesitate. It's just he is having no symptoms at all right now. not one! It...
thanks guys for the advice. i appreciate them all. I hope everyone of your children is doing better whether they had to do surgery or not. reading over your signature page Veronica, I see your child...
Hi IBDISTHEPITS! I'm so happy to have found someone who can relate to my son's health issues. I had opened the question about whether to tell the new doctor about natural treatments because the...
thanks for the advice Sue. :-)...
Hi everyone! I've been a member for a couple of weeks, but now I see there are several other parents like me with kids with UC. My son was diagnosed with UC in April 2010 at 5 years old. He is now 6...
thank you Alinus, I really should get all the treatments we have tried on here. since i am a new member, i saw the alert about no excessive signatures at the bottom so i didn't do one and then i...
I just wanted to take a min. to thank everyone for their comments and beliefs on helping UC and what works for them. It helps me tremendously for finding out ideas for my son who is 6 years old with...