I have been off of prednisone for 5 months, but I still have terrible acne (which I never had before) and chubby cheeks (so bad I don't recognize myself in pictures at first). Does anyone have any...
Chili peppers, powder, chili anything. Lobster! Brocoli. Also sometimes food you crave are the worst for you. I crave chili all the time. Funny thing, is these foods I knew I had problems with - I...
I find potatoes helped me, with boring chicken or pork. and rice as well. low residue. Rice crispie squares, baby crackers, no fruits/veggies raw canned/cooked okay....
After my hospital visit, I was told by my dietition to decrease my insoluable fibre intake (which comes from a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, whole wheat etc.) for two months I did not have any of...
My family doctor did not do any tests, but I do have blood work done every month because of the imuran. I am due for that next week before my specialist apt. Thanks, will get it checked out as soon...
I made an apointment for the end of this month, the 28th. This past week everything started to go down, just hoping it doesn't get worse because I have no doctor to see until then. Truee about the...
Background: 19 year old female, had first major flare in January 2011 - spent four weeks in hospital (on iv sterroirs, tpn, asocal, prednisone, imuran, others I can't remember... morning cocktail...