Had a 3rd flex sig last week & this was the report: there is confluent mucosal inflammation to 45cm with spontaneous punctate hemorrhage. The lower rectum is relatively spared. 37.5mg prednisolene &...
Thanks mum of 3 for your encouragement, sharing your naturopaths recommendations & your recipes. Was juicing carrots, beetroot, ginger, celery, parsley & apple, but am going to take a break until I...
I am unable to retain the foam for more than 3 hours unless i take some pain killers to knock me out. I experience severe abdominal cramping, loads of gas & urgency to go- but not alot comes out....
Thank you everyone for your replies. Notsosicklygirl: Regarding the inflammation, the colonoscopy report says "idiopathic proctitis to about 18cm, most intense of the distal 5cm" I use salofalk...
Hi- this is my first post on this forum. I am looking for recommendations for a gi in Perth, Western Australia Diagnosed in November last year- only time I've seen my specialist was at time of...