Collicat, Your post made me feel so much better about my situation. I am the kind of person that the word "surgery" scares the buhjeezus out of me. But if you say life after really is this sunshine...
I would go ahead with the surgery if i was you. If thats the doctor's recommendation i would listen to him. Here's why: I am currently in your situation but a little in the future. I've been...
I have been diagnosed with UC 2 years ago and am now starting to get severe pain in my knees. I can't stand up from a lying or sitting position. The pain will subside over the course of the day. I...
Good morning everyone. I have been struggling with UC for the last 2 and and a half years. Recently my doctor pumped up my prednisone dosage by another 20mg to be at 60mg a day and Asacol HD to be at...