SouthernGirl, Julia is feeling better. She still doesn't like the idea of being on Humira but it has helped her a lot. She's always on here reading so am I. I feel weird posting about her with her...
Warriorprincess, I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter is so sick. My daughter had a hard time but right now is feeling a bit better I wish I had some advice for you, but we are still learning too....
I have no intentions on taking my daughter off of her medications any time soon. I would love if she didn't need so many of them. I do believe that meds alone will not control her condition right...
bananagirl-- It was the pharmacist who told me my insurance would not cover it. The next day I called my insurance company and was told my a rep that Humira was one of the drugs that had to...
Hi beiner1112, I'm new the boards too. I have found the input and advice very helpful. My daughter has UC and we too are trying to reach remission. @ garylouisville : When my daughter finally licks...
The results of the CT scan shows that her ulcerative colitis is not getting better. Her entire colon is inflamed except the samll right part. So the doc says the Humira either isn't working or not...
@garylouisville -- the results of the C-Diff test were negative. We did get another CT scan. Her colon is inflamed all over with the exception of "the small right part". I'm hoping diet plays a HUGE...
Until now we hadn't really focused on diet except no fried foods, no foods high in fat and no foods with a lot of fiber. This is her first big flair up. We are willing to do what we need to do as far...
Baggravation, I will definitely look into that along with another doctor. This one is moving too fast. She started Humira Wednesday (too fast in hindsight) and he is already talking surgery. Today...
The hospital is feeding her whatever is soft. She hasn't tolerated any of it. Everything comes up. Not sure if its the food or the condition period. Yesterday I bought her chicken broth. Today I...
I will definately get her a food journal. I guess we're just going to start slow and learn as we go. Thanks for the advice....
My daughter is in the trying to get bleeding and her nausea under control. I am still hopeful that she will be home soon. Today is grocery shopping day and I don't know where to start. I've read...
SouthernGirl -- she had been on a roller coaster ride. She took her Humira loading doses Wednseday. She's been fighting nausea and taking Zofran for it. She still has D but he frequency is getting...
Today was the first time I've heard the term. Her nurse said the doc said to get the sample of her stool to check for it because he didn't understand why she was not responding to the meds the way he...
Today is the first time she is being tested for C-diff. The nurse took a stool sample because the docs can't figure out why the diareah and nausea is not betting better. Yesterday she seemed to be...
What is C-Diff? After reading everything, we want to start with the IBS diet and try the spinich/sunflower seed butter diet. I'm praying that diet works. Found out yesterday that my insurance won't...
She is feeling a lot better Somedude you right --- nothing is forever -- I had to laugh when I first saw your post, the laughter was much needed Bananagirl I've seen where a few people are starting....
Has anyone started this diet who was taking Humira?...
So she is starting Humira today. We hate all the drugs. The side effects scare me. The doc says she will be on this drug for the rest of her life....
I will definitely have her become very familiar with this site. I've been reading the boards for the past several days and have learned more here than I have from her doctors ....
We are in the hospital. She is feeling a of better. She's on an IV and they given her steroids through an IV. They gave her something for nausea. The Pantoprazole was to help her be able to deal with...
I did exactly that. I couldn't take her in the bathroom throwing up again. What could possibly be left?...
Thanks all for the quick responces and the insight on Humira. My daughter is 18. She has been having symptons for about 4 years but was diagnosed with UC about 2 1/2 years ago. About 3 months ago she...
I don't know what to do. My daughter can't hold down anything. She has even started throwing up when she drinks water. She just left the hospital Saturday where she was given Predisone in an IV after...