Ahh cool well i think ill be iving it a go and see what happens, might aswell as all im doin is waiting for my appointment with a surgeon so in meantime i can try my own few bits as they aint in no...
Hey palacedan I totaly agree i did cut out asmuch sugar i could but its in bloody everythin lol And when im on steriods trying not to eat is very hard! Did you have to check all your foods to see how...
This was only a basic post sorry, my doctors reacon diet wont help but its hard not to munch when i have a huge appetite due to steriods I know but many people have said its been the best thing for...
Hey ' itsalwayssomething' Im 20 years old and yes i am impatent when ive been on steriods over a year and put on 3 stone and have poor bones i just want my life back ven being on steriods i a, gettin...
I just feel no matter what i try ill end up on medication anyway and coz ive had it since i was 17 my cancer rate will go up and illnprob have to have it all done anyway so i feel that im just...
Hey there i have trialed cuttig things out of my diet to see if it would help but its soooo hard and i thought it was acuali workin but do i go through rest 8f my life watchin what i eat and bein...
Yeah but everyone gets different things from different places all over the world so surely not veryone can get the same treatment .......
They said i wasnt bad enough for it so they couldnt fund me for it!!! He says he wont leave me coz of it butnim scared he will cheat on me .... oh i dunno my head all over place.. I got all side...
I hope i do i burst into tears thinking about it becoz im scared my partner will leave me and i just eont feel sexi anymore and im very low on confidence wihout he bag so im gona be worse with it :(...
Wow shocking least someone can understand what my mind is going trough... You was on pred for 8 YEARS!!! blimey surely the side affects where bad as ive got like every single side affect from being...
Oh ok sorry lol like i said im new to this lmao yess itd be great to hear from you :-) x...
Hey peeps i have tryed other meds like azathioprine and methotrexate but still dusnt work and also on folic acid and pentasa..... they refused to give me infliximab and they reacon there isnt...
Aww thanknyou well i saw my doctor yesterday and thry refering me to a surgeon as tablets aint working for me and i always said i wouldnt have surgery but when ive put 3 stone on just coz of steriods...
Hey there im all new to this site but not new to UC as ive had it for nearly 3 years now, im 20 years old and have a 2 year old lil girl.... i have had a tough year of being on steriods and not being...
Hey there ive been on prednisilone for over a year as they cant get me off them its got to the point now that they arnt working so i may now have to havensurgery and im only 20 years of age! I hope...