Feel sad that so many young people have surgery and in fact are encouraged on here to have it. I am 68yrs old now and apart from an accident last year, have been pretty good for the last 15 years....
You are very lucky to have this forum and the people here are your friends and very concerned for you. As a UK gran am very touched by your predicament. I was 18 when I had colitis (diagnosed as...
In the UK - wondered whether you use a microwave much. I owned one that was microwave/conduction + use both together. Therefore baked spuds take 10mins m/w or if you like them hard 20mins. Mash...
UC UK sufferer for 47 years, never took medication daily just when flaring. Reason afraid that at my age now the meds would lose their effect. Last 5 years taken it daily but again Asacol x 2 a day...
SainsburysTesco Co-op Lidil Aldi Unfortunately no nearby Waitrose...
I was miss diagnosed with piles when I was 18 which later turned out to be UC. My parents were told that I would need surgery unless I responded to meds, luckily for me mesalazine and and steroids...
A 66 yr oldfemale with no surgery and 40yr colitis I always try and incorporate exercise. I play badminton once a week, cycle short distances, exercising at least 1.1/4hr a day. Am on Asacol but low...
UK lady colitis of 48 years, flare ups off and on. At the beginning didnt take my medications sulfasalazine until I was forced and then only took for a while and discontinued. Muddled along. Surgery...
beessverteran 48 yrs UC Tips This wonderful tool the internet will probably make you as informed as your GI, in my day the doctor was God and not to be questioned at all, today with the internet UC...