Ok, I will inquire about the billing tomorrow during my infusion and make sure that the insurance company is only charged once....
Judy, If my copay is $0 for the infusion should I still be concerned about that? Red, She's lucky I'm a nice guy....
Went in for my second infusion of Remicade this morning. Nurse gave me my premeds and got the iv going as usual. I was started off with the normal saline bag and also given some hydrocortisone...
Sorry you are having to stress. After 3 courses of prednisone in just over a year and the inability the maintain a remission without the steroids, my GI also suggested Remicade. After doing my own...
Yes and I've had only good experiences over the last 3 years. My GI has been great and similarly to the previous poster, my remicade infusions are totally covered. I would definitely recommend their...
Hopefully the taper goes as planned and you remain symptom free for a long time! I just dropped fom 15mg to 10mg yesterday and still feel well. I always struggle with controlling my symptoms a few...
What a journey. I hope the remicade works wonders for you. I will have my first remicade infusion next week. Good luck....
I'm a 21 year old male that hasn't had a girlfriend since being diagnosed with UC 2 years ago. I'm thinking it's a psychological thing. Too stressed about my health to worry about a girlfriend I...
Water. Almond milk. That's it....
Be sure to take the prednisone exactly how your GI prescribed it. This is very important. The prednisone can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to really start working, if it works at all....
It's worrisome to me that you are experiencing those symptoms from the rowasas and Lialda. If that is the case, you should speak to your GI about it. However, the aches, pains and tiredness can just...