I love this topic. Three years ago, I had a very severe case of uveitis (inflammation of the iris, in my left eye). I was literally blind on my left eye. Besides that, I had swollen legs, severe...
"Personally I would eliminate all exemptions for vaccines, if I could." there is another name for this - fascism...
Nothing to worry about:) Potential Conflicts of Interest: Dr. Albenberg has received research funding from Seres Therapeutics. Dr. Lewis has served as a consultant for: Nestle Health Science, Johnson...
You have to know which type of colloidal silver you are using. I didn't want to give the specific name, but as I said look for an organic products. Argentyn23, pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver,...
Works for me every time, have not been on flu shots or antibiotics for more than a decade Black seed oil 3 x 1tablespoon / day vitamin c - as much you can tolerate (1 gram every couple hour) oregano...
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27698758 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1050464818303723...
Bacillus soil bacteria, and soil based organisms help me a lot. There is some research about it, from 2014, I believe. It says that this type of bacteria stays in gut and colonize much better. Also,...
Tingling can be reduced and resolved by chiropractic care. It could be from an old injure, or habits such as bad posture or seating. Did you ever fell or have injured your back or leg? I have learned...
Looks like cannabis may help http://www.coltynscrue.org/...
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-antibiotic-crohns/antibiotic-use-tied-to-crohns-ulcerative-colitis-idUSTRE78P4Z320110926 source https://www.nature.com/articles/ajg2011304 “It’s not that...
For the vagus nerve look for Chiropractic (gonstead technic is the best) treatment. Look here and see if you can find a good Gonstead Chiro. http://gonstead.com/find-a-gonstead-doctor/...
I wouldn't be discouraged at all. There so many great food under the sun that you can eat. Think about vegetables, grass feed meat, eggs, gluten free goodies like soba noodles. You both can benefit....
"It is still WAY better than not getting vaccinated at all". "No worries" I have questions for you guys who are more knowledgeable than me. Don't get me wrong here but statements like this amaze me...
Before taking any vaccine one should have this ingredient list in mind. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf Your right is to understand every...
JennaLeigh, Please consider taking iron supplements. I had very low iron (lost a lot hair as well). Product that saved me is Spatone - iron in liquid form, made in UK, easy on stomach, no taste at...
I was using Restore for about 8 months. Definitely see improvement, since Restore helps closing gaps in tight junctions. This product is great. They say it takes months to close the gaps. Ideally you...
I totally agree with beatUC. Being able to do fasting is not just about not eating for 72hours. It is not hard to fast for few days. What is really hard is to be in control of what's in plate every...
I use 5 grams 2x/day on empty stomach together with colostrum and probiotic. I started a year ago and my condition has been changed to better. Never had issues....
Baking soda is totally OK for consumption. It is great for people who struggle with candida overgrowth (alkalizing body helps with systematic parasites, yeast infections etc). Just make sure to use...
The story about a teenager and how he healed himself from Crohn's disease using cannabis http://www.coltynscrue.org/ https://www.facebook.com/damianmarley/videos/1588912627814278/...
The best would be to find organic farm and buy directly from them....
Beave, me too. :smilewinkgrin:...
Look for Spatone Liquid Iron Supplement. It is very gentle on the stomach....
It could be from candida....
It could be from parasites....
Look for organic raw sauerkraut. It must be from the fridge section. And always look for ingredients. Real original sauerkraut has only cabbage and salt....
Hi Bucko, Not sure where the problem is but if you really want to test fat please don't go to McDonalds or similar. Take some chicken bone broth which is naturally rich in fat, coconut oil. If I am...
Hi Sin, I have the same issue. I also make homemade coconut milk but I use it for cooking (crepes, sauces, etc.). It is because of fiber and could be because of fat as well/ Not sure. Try not to...
Minnietoty, thank you for the link. This is why I've recommended specific colloidal silver. Professional grade colloidal silver is both antifungal and antibacterial. If you look for antibiotic's side...
Try colloidal silver, especially Argentyn 23. This is professional grade colloidal silver recommended by many naturopaths and chiropractors. Works amazing. 3-4 times /day full dropper under tongue...
Hi soynomore, Sore throats can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Sometimes bacteria can do the same. Sometimes is hard to say. Sometimes it is because of allergies, cold drinks... I used to take...
Colloidal silver is among the best natural antibiotics. It was proven so many times. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996348/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4943132/...
That's right, don't swallow. Gargle with head set back so it can reach deeper spots. Take small amount and gargle as long as you can, they spit and do it again and again until you finish whole thing....
NCOT, Make sure to use drops regularly if yo want to use them. Even if it is a liquid solution it can bring side-effects since it is a steroid. If you decide not to use them then taper down slowly....
Hi NiceCupOfTea, When I was in bad flare last time I was also diagnosed with uveitis. Steroid drops helped but after one month it just stopped working for me. My left eye was affected. My vision was...
The most potent natural remedy for situation you described is product Argentyn 23. I hope it wouldn't be a problem If I say. This is high grade colloidal silver and natural antibiotic that helped me...
This is great. Thank you for shearing....
Your situation looks like mine 8 months ago. I couldn't stop diarrhea, pretty the same thing. I had severe arthritis like pain and almost lost sight on my left eye too. To make long story short I've...
This is a very informative talk on general health, bacteria, gut and importance of healthy soil and soil components. https://youtu.be/vgKlX6rC4EQ...
Healseeker, Your story is amazing. That is so wrong. Unbelievable, but I am not surprised. :(...
Interesting. Here is another article about exercise and gut microbiome http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254616300163...
Hi Trixy, You see, that is not the clear situation and I think it is not ok to push meds that way. It is your right to do whatever you believe is the best for your health. If I am you I would keep...
I've had severe pain. My whole body was affected but legs were the worst. I couldn't drive or going up/down stairs. I couldn't sleep. Even my chest/ribs were affected. Breathing was difficult. My CRP...
Hey Hellokitty, That is amazing. Glad for you. I am slowly introducing raw food into my diet. The same thing, baby steps for now. 7 months ago I wasn't able to touch raw food but as I feel better I...
Forgot to mention. The vaccine can contribute bowel inflammation later in life. Especially for people who were born after 1986, when MMR was introduced....
Another thing to look is how we were born. People who were born through C-section tend to be more vulnerable since they haven't been exposed to the vaginal beneficial bacteria. Also if the mother had...
Hi Subduedjoy, Thank you for sharing. It is very interesting that you went through the similar. My rheumatologist said the same. When he saw my swollen legs and skin redness he said that I first have...
I had very bad arthritis pain when I was first diagnosed with colitis. I know this is Crohn's forum but I check it sometimes since my sister has Crohn's. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't walk....
Forgot to mention that fat intake is very beneficial for gut and brain health. I use coconut oil for cooking and olive oil for salads. Coconut oil has been shown as great oil for memory and brain in...